Fearneve doesn't just do Art!
My creativity takes me down other paths too and I have never been limited by silly constraints.
Many artists are led to believe that you should only do one medium, one subject etc and yes it can look nice and uniform when put on the walls in a gallery BUT the raw creativity that flows is gone. I can see that in many artworks I see and indeed I've been there myself and tried to 'fit in', changing my work to suit, etc... I lost the magic feeling I get when painting or creating and indeed that will reflect in the work.
Artwork with untarnished thought and magic is very important to me.
Needless to say, I stepped away from all that and I only do select events and exhibitions now.
You may notice the Sleepy Oaks painting I did many years ago which features a lot for me. It's a favourite of mine and many other things that I create go under the name of Sleepy Oaks. You can find Sleepy Oaks on the Fearneve website, put your mouse on SHOP ART and a drop down menu will appear with SHOP SLEEPY OAKS.